Pifeltro Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


merck sharp & dohme b.v. - doravirine - infezzjonijiet ta 'hiv - antivirali għal użu sistemiku - pifeltro is indicated, in combination with other antiretroviral medicinal products, for the treatment of adults, and adolescents aged 12 years and older weighing at least 35 kg infected with hiv 1 without past or present evidence of resistance to the nnrti class.

Skysona Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bluebird bio (netherlands) b.v. - elivaldogene autotemcel - adrenoleukodystrophy - drogi oħra tas-sistema nervuża - treatment of early cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy in patients less than 18 years of age, with an abcd1 genetic mutation, and for whom a human leukocyte antigen (hla) matched sibling haematopoietic stem cell donor is not available.

Paxlovid Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


pfizer europe ma eeig - nirmatrelvir, ritonavir - covid-19 virus infection - paxlovid is indicated for the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) in adults who do not require supplemental oxygen and who are at increased risk for progressing to severe covid 19.

Kimmtrak Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


immunocore ireland limited - tebentafusp - uveal neoplasms - aġenti antineoplastiċi - kimmtrak is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of human leukocyte antigen (hla)-a*02:01-positive adult patients with unresectable or metastatic uveal melanoma.

Tezspire Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


astrazeneca ab - tezepelumab - ażma - mediċini għall-imblokkar tal-passaġġ tan-nifs mard, - tezspire is indicated as an add-on maintenance treatment in adults and adolescents 12 years and older with severe asthma who are inadequately controlled despite high dose inhaled corticosteroids plus another medicinal product for maintenance treatment.

Herwenda Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sandoz gmbh - trastuzumab - breast neoplasms; stomach neoplasms - aġenti antineoplastiċi - treatment of metastatic and early breast cancer and metastatic gastric cancer (mgc).

Actrapid Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


novo nordisk a/s - insulina umana - diabetes mellitus - drogi użati fid-dijabete - trattament tad-dijabete mellitus.

Ceprotin Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


takeda manufacturing austria ag - proteina umana c - purpura fulminans; protein c deficiency - aġenti antitrombotiċi - ceprotin is indicated for prophylaxis and treatment of  purpura fulminans  coumarin-induced skin necrosis and venous thrombotic events in patients with severe congenital protein c deficiency.

Coagadex Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bpl bioproducts laboratory gmbh - - fattur tal-koagulazzjoni x - fattur x defiċjenza - vitamin k and other hemostatics, antihemorrhagics, coagulation factor x - coagadex huwa indikat għat-trattament u profilassi ta 'episodji ta' fsada u għal ġestjoni perioperattiva f'pazjenti b'defiċjenza ereditarja ta 'fattur x. coagadex huwa indikat fil-gruppi kollha tal-età.

Flebogamma DIF (previously Flebogammadif) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

flebogamma dif (previously flebogammadif)

instituto grifols s.a. - l-immunoglobulina normali umana - mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome; guillain-barre syndrome; bone marrow transplantation; purpura, thrombocytopenic, idiopathic; immunologic deficiency syndromes - sera immuni u immunoglobulini, - replacement therapy in adults, children and adolescents (0-18 years) in: , primary immunodeficiency syndromes with impaired antibody production;, hypogammaglobulinaemia and recurrent bacterial infections in patients with chronic lymphocytic luekaemia, in whom prophylactic antibiotics have failed;, hypogammaglobulinaemia and recurrent bacterial infections in plateau-phase-multiple-myeloma patients who failed to respond to pneumococcal immunisation;, hypogammaglobulinaemia in patients after allogenic haematopoietic-stem-cell transplantation (hsct);, congenital aids with recurrent bacterial infections. , immunomodulation in adults, children and adolescents (0-18 years) in: , primary immune thrombocytopenia (itp), in patients at high risk of bleeding or prior to surgery to correct the platelet count;, guillain barré syndrome;, kawasaki disease.